Thursday, February 23, 2017

2017-02-26 Account Based Marketing With David T. Scott & Ed Fulbright On Mastering Your Money Radio


 Account Based Marketing

Owning your own business is the number one way to rapidly build extraordinary wealth.  A business not correctly manage will be a quick way to lose wealth.   Consistent marketing and client acquisitions are signs of a successful business.  Account Based Marketing (ABM) is the hot new marketing trend, popular with the Fortune 500. The concept is to work in hand with your sales team to identify and build marketing campaigns directed specifically at your ideal customers or target accounts. ABM can be applied to consultants and small businesses.

Joining us for our discussion on Account Based Marketing is David T Scott who is on the phone from his San Francisco office.  

Dave Scott has been a frustrated marketing executive for years. Having faced the 
lead-generation problem while serving as vice president of marketing for a  
Number of businesses, he quickly became an expert.

While touring the country speaking on Lead Generation, Dave quickly realized that 
every company has the same problem which lead him to write 
his latest book “The New Rules Of Lead Generation: Proven Strategies To Maximize Marketing ROI,”

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Monday, February 20, 2017

Stocks Break Record On Trump Tax Talk, As Fitch Issues Warning By Ed Fulbright

Stocks Break Record On Trump Tax Talk, As Fitch Issues Warning

In this week’s news for long-term investors, remarks by President Donald Trump boosted hopes of a major tax cut for corporations. Also with new job openings near a record high, this signals that the economy is approaching full employment and the job market is tightening.

Stock indexes closed for the week by hitting record highs on Thursday and Friday, but the warning from Fitch is a reminder that stocks are volatile.

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Thursday, February 16, 2017

2017-02-19 Five Fundamentals Of Financial Fitness With Aasim Inshirah & Ed Fulbright On Mastering Your Money Radio

Five Fundamentals Of Financial Fitness

It is February, many people want 2017 to be very different than 2016.  They are sick and tired of always being broke.  The problem is they have not done a thing to change what is going on in their life to change being broke.   I will give them a simple tool to measure where they are and 5 steps to guide them to a better life. Get your note pad and a pencil and write these five items down:

1.Pay Yourself First
2.Have Sufficient Liquidity
3.Pay Off All Credit Cards and Consumer Debt
4.Own The Right Sized House
5.Invest in Your Career

Joining us for this discussion on Five Fundamentals Of Financial Fitness is Aasim Inshirah who is the station’s Public Affairs Producer and makes sure Mastering Your Money is available to our listeners.

Interested in knowing where you stand with your Financial Fitness? Click Here to tally up your score.

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Friday, February 10, 2017

Alternative Facts Hits The News By Ed Fulbright

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2017-02-10 Economic News for Long Term Investors With Ed Fulbright

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2017-02-12 Lasting Love And Money With Dr. Willie Jolley & Ed Fulbright On Mastering Your Money Radio

 Lasting Love And Money

How stable are your relationships? It is number six in your Financial Independence success factors.  You may say why is it even included? Let me give two reasons Divorce and Happiness.  Divorce usually results in one party losing assets probably 50% or more.  Happiness is when you have someone to love and they love you back.  The person will help you share your Failures and Success.   Client told me a sad story of how they closed the biggest deal of their life and had no one to share it with. No one to celebrate the victory with or go to dinner with.

Joining us for our discussion on from Lasting Love And Money is Dr. Willie Jolley who is on the phone from his office in Washington DC.  He is a multi-talented person.  He is a best selling author, award winning speaker and singer.  He is also the producer of the mastering your money theme music.  In 1991,  Willie decide to become a full time speaker with less than $200 in bank, a mortgage to pay, a family to support and a dream of success.  He can be heard every weekend on XM radio.  His upcoming book is Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last!

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Friday, February 3, 2017

2017-02-05 What You Need To Know About The Economy & Fixed Income With Charles Curry & Ed Fulbright On Mastering Your Money Radio

Since the election,  the markets and interest rates have risen for the most part.   A new administration with unclear policies gives investors a bit of uncertainty.  You can expect tax cuts in our future.  In the next 30 minutes we will give you a brief education on the economy.

Joining us for our discussion on What You Need To Know About The Economy & Fixed Income? is Charles L Curry, Jr. who is in our Durham Studio.   Charles is the Co-Chief Investment Officer of Fixed Income at Piedmont Investment Advisers, LLC.  Piedmont Investment Advisors, LLC is an minority owned firm specializing in institutional bond and equity investing, both active as well as passive strategies with 6 billion dollars under management.

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